During the month of October, NHS England runs its Stoptober campaign, which is now underway for 2023. The goal of the campaign is to support and encourage smokers to quit, and there are a range of resources available to use to help manage tobacco dependency.
The British Thoracic Society supports the messaging of the Stoptober campaign. As outlined in the BTS Position Statement on Tobacco and Smoking, BTS has the following goals in relation to tobacco and smoking:
- The elimination of tobacco-related lung disease in the UK population is the ultimate objective. The Society’s goal is to achieve a year-on-year reduction in smoking prevalence and exposure to second-hand smoke.
- The establishment of a smoke-free society.
BTS remains committed to working in partnership with others and supporting research activity to move toward this goal, providing clinical expertise in national discussions and local expertise.
The British Thoracic Society, through its Tobacco Dependency Project, provides a range of resources, case studies and frameworks for setting up, developing and embedding successful Tobacco Dependency Treatment services. These are available on here, on the Respiratory Futures website. Click here to access the resources.
More information on the NHS England Stoptober campaign, including resources, is available here.