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Programmes - Pages
Health Inequalities
Health Inequalities Resources
Smoking and health inequalities
Breathing Unequal Report
Position Statement on Health Inequalities and Respiratory 2023
English Indices of Deprivation
FUSE – The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health
Health Foundation - Health Inequalities
Inequalities in Health Alliance
Institute of Health Equity
Learning from Lives and Deaths: people with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)
Actionable Insights Tool
Core20PLUS5 – an approach to reducing healthcare inequalities
Health inequalities publications (NICE)
Health inequalities statistics - Northern Ireland
Health Inequalities Reports (OECD)
Atlas of Variation
Inequality tools
Local Authority Health Profiles
Health Inequality Statistics
Health inequalities: introduction - Scotland
Position Statement on Respiratory Health Inequalities - Poverty
Poverty, Poor Housing and Respiratory (video)
What are health inequalities? Scotland
Health inequalities in Wales
Cost of health inequalities to the NHS in Wales
What are health inequalities?
My role in tackling health inequalities: a framework for allied health professionals
Health Inequality Monitor
Bridging the gap: a guide to making health inequalities a strategic priority for NHS leaders
Accessible resources for patients
All about Asthma (Easy Read) - Asthma + Lung UK
Easy Read Guide to pneumonia - Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Stop Smoking (Easy Read) - Macmillan Cancer Support UK Charity
Delivery of Care
Delivery of Care Resources
NHS Long Term Plan
Optimal Sleep Pathway
Palliative and end of life care factsheet: Patterns of care, England 2021
The Respiratory Service Framework
Right Decision Service - Scotland
Integrated care
Integrated Care Resources
The effectiveness of a primary care respiratory diagnostic hub in inner city cosmopolitan population
Better Care Fund (BCF) Programme
Joint Position Statement on Integrated Care 2024
Integrated Care in Northern Ireland
Designing integrated care systems (ICSs) in England
Integrated Care
Integration of care
Integrated care research and practice
The effects of integrated care: a systematic review of UK and international evidence
Integrated Care - the Health Foundation
Integrated Care - the Kings Fund
Developing Models of Integrated Care
UK Respiratory Plans
England - Respiratory Plans
Scotland - Respiratory Plans
Wales - Respiratory Plans
UK Respiratory Societies
British Thoracic Society
East Midlands Thoracic Society
Midland Thoracic Society
North West Thoracic Society
Scottish Thoracic Society
Welsh Thoracic Society
West Country Chest Society
Tobacco Dependency
Helpful Resources
Service Delivery
Service Development
Patient Information Resources
Tobacco Dependency Programme Roadmap
Useful Links
Case Studies
Training and Education
Past events
Learning at other organisations
Frequently Asked Questions
Data Collection and Auditing
Data Collection Vignettes
Lungs Matter
Virtual Wards
Virtual Ward Resources
BTS Viewpoint on Virtual Wards
Making the most of virtual wards, including Hospital at Home: Practical guidance for clinicians to maximise use of virtual wards for the benefit of patients.
Supporting clinical leadership in virtual wards – A guide for integrated care system clinical leaders
Virtual Ward Case Studies
Embedding virtual wards across England - Dr Sarah Sibley
Breathing Better Together
Respiratory Support Units
Respiratory Support Unit Resources
British Thoracic Society and Intensive Care Society - RSU: Guidance on development and implementation
British Thoracic Society National Respiratory Support Audit 2023 - Report
RCSLT position statement: speech and language therapy in adult Respiratory Support Units
Respiratory Support Units vignettes
Workforce and Careers
Workforce & Careers Resources
All Professions - NHS - Guide to an NHS career
All Professions - NHS - Training Directory for respiratory disease specialty
Advanced Clinical Practitioners - Governance of advanced practice
Advanced Clinical Practitioners: NHS England - What is advanced clinical practice?
Nursing: Royal College of Nursing website
Nursing: Association of Respiratory Nursing website
Pharmacists: Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education in Respiratory
Physician Associates: Royal College of Physicians Faculty of Physician Associates (FPARCP)
Physiology: Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology website
Physiotherapy: Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (ACPRC) website
Physiotherapy: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy - Careers and Jobs
Respiratory conditions: reducing pressure on emergency hospital services
Speech and Language Therapy: Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy: The role of speech and language therapy in upper airway disorders within adult respiratory services
Speech and Language Therapy - Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Case Studies - The Respiratory Team
Advanced Clinical Practitioner story - Kathryn Thomas
Advanced Clinical Practitioner story - Kirsty Laing
Advanced Clinical Practitioner story - Padma Parthasarathy
Advanced Clinical Practitioner story - Rebecca Chamoto
Advanced Clinical Practitioner story - Rebecca Kurylec
Physician Associate story - Abigail Watkin
Physician Associate story - Sophia Crasto
Physician Associate story – Renni Johnson
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Physiotherapist story - Emma Chaplin
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Occupational Therapist story - Geraldine Baluyut
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Fitness Instructor story - Gary Spencer
Speech and Language Therapy story - Claire Slinger
Case Studies - Expanding your Service
ILD Nursing- Securing funding for ILD nurse specialists
Case Studies - Advancing your career
Consultant in Critical Care and Respiratory Medicine - Dr James Bonnington
Consultant in Respiratory Medicine - Dr Sabi Hippolyte
Consultant Respiratory Physician - Dr Selina Tsim
Consultant Respiratory Physician - Dr Haval Balata
Networking in Respiratory
Academic Respiratory Researcher Alliance (ARRA)
British Thoracic Society membership
Bronch-UK: The UK bronchiectasis network and biobank
Interstitial Lung Diseases Interdisciplinary Network (ILD-IN)
NTM Network UK
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Peer Support Network
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Mentorship Programme
The INtegrated reSPIratory REsearch collaborative (INSPIRE)
The Respiratory Advanced Clinical Practitioner Network
UK Pleural Society
Videos - Working in Respiratory
Sustainability and Environment
Sustainability & Environment Resources
Action for Clean Air
Air quality in Wales
Asthma + Lung UK - air pollution resources
Breathe London project
BTS Position Statement on Sustainability and the Environment: Climate Change and Lung Health
DEFRA's air quality index and air pollution resources
European Respiratory Society - Climate change and respiratory health: position statement
European Union toolkit for communicating on air quality and health
Global Action Plan Clean Air Hub
Greener Practice UK - High Quality and Low Carbon Asthma Care toolkit
Healthcare Ocean
Healthy Air Coalition
Indoor Air Quality Working Party
London Assembly's health and air pollution resource page
NHS - Greener NHS
NICE - Air pollution resources
NICE Guideline - Indoor air quality at home
NICE - Patient decision aid: inhalers for asthma
NICE Quality Statements - Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health
NICE Quality Standard on indoor air quality and health
NICE Guidelines - Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health (2017)
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Greener Healthcare Quality Improvement Toolkit
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Position Statement on Environmental Issues
Public Health Wales - Air pollution resources
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health report: The inside story: Health effects of indoor air quality on children and young people
The 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change
The Clean Breathing Institute Resources
The UN Montreal Protocol
UK Health Alliance on Climate Change
UK Health Security Agency - Air pollution: a tool to estimate healthcare costs
WHO - Toolkit for health professionals on communicating about climate change and health
General Resources - Data & Digital
BTS audit data portal
Lung Disease Registries
The National Clinical Audit Programme
Health Data Research UK
DATA-CAN - Our Hub for Cancer
Inhale - INteractive Health Atlas of Lung conditions in England
Lung Facts
Health Data Access Toolkit
National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP)
National Quality Improvement (incl. Clinical Audit) Network (N-QI-CAN)
NHS Digital Data and information page
Open Data (England only)
England statistics page
NHS list of Clinical Audits and Registries
NHS Digital Playbook
NHS National Clinical Content Repository Tools and Measures Library
Health and Social Care data
OrphaNet registry search
Our World in Data
National Lung Cancer audit
Supporting digital inclusion in health care
UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry
General Resources - Funding and Commissioning
Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)
Integrated commissioning and provision
NHS integrated Care System Benchmarker
NHS funding allocations to Integrated Care Boards
NHS Future Focused Finance
Making the most of the money: efficiency and the Long Term Plan
Scottish Integrated Care Fund Guidance
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) - Finance and budgets in integrated care
The Better Care Fund Programme
Welsh Integrated Care Fund Guidance
General Resources - Multi-lingual Respiratory Resources
Multi-lingual Asthma information
Multi-lingual product information
Multi-lingual pain scales
Multi-lingual health information
Drug Database Multi-lingual information
Multi-lingual respiratory fact sheets
Multi-lingual inhaler information
Health Info Translations USA
How we breathe videos
Multi-lingual Tuberculosis information
Moving On Asthma - Helping young people with asthma to live independently
Multi-lingual health information - conditions, treatments and services
Multi-lingual Self-help guides
NHS Inform Multi-lingual health information
NHS - University Hospitals of Leicester Multi-lingual COVID-19 information
Multi-lingual Asthma Self-Management videos
Multi-linguall inhaler patient information
Multi-lingual health information - lung diseases
My Pneumothorax Journey
Upcoming Webinar 14 March : BTS/NICE/SIGN Joint Guideline for the Diagnosis, Monitoring and Management of Chronic Asthma - managing children and young people
Past webinars - British Thoracic Society (BTS)
Past webinars - Respiratory Futures Tobacco Dependency Project
Past webinar - How to Successfully Manage Adults with Asthma and Allergies - British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology (BSACI) & Respiratory Futures- June 2023
Past webinar - How to Successfully Manage Adults with Asthma and Allergies - British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology (BSACI) & Respiratory Futures - October 2023
The Respiratory Futures Podcast
Health Condition Resources
Acute Respiratory Infection
British Thoracic Society Resources on Respiratory Support Units (RSUs)
British Thoracic Society Quality Standard for Acute NIV
National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) Report on Acute Non-Invasive Ventilation: Inspiring Change
FICM/ICS Guideline on the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome
Asthma + Lung UK resources for health professionals
British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology (BSACI) webinar: How to Successfully Manage Adults with Asthma and Allergies
British Thoracic Society Asthma care bundles
Drawing Breath - clinical audit report 2021/22 - Royal College of Physicians
Visual aid for optimising asthma reviews
Healthy London Partnership: London schools’ guide for the care of children and young people with asthma
Inhaler Standards and Competency Documents
Moving On Asthma - Helping young people with asthma to live independently
NICE Asthma Quality Standard
NICE Asthma Inhalers and the Environment Patient Decision Aid
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Asthma resources
Education for Health - Asthma Training Resources
BTS/SIGN/NICE Joint Guideline for the Diagnosis, Monitoring and Management of Chronic Asthma
Joint asthma pathway
Breathlessness IMPRESS Tips (BITs) for clinicians
International Primary Care Respiratory Group: How we Breathe Resources
NHS England: Adult breathlessness pathway (pre diagnosis) pathway support tool
NHS England free e-learning - Chronic Breathlessness
PCRS Position Statement - Chronic Breathlessness
Supporting Someone with Breathlessness Website
Asthma + Lung UK bronchiectasis Resources
British Thoracic Society Bronchiectasis Quality Standards
British Thoracic Society Guideline for Bronchiectasis in Adults
Living with bronchiectasis website
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summary on Bronchiectasis
European Bronchiectasis Registry (EMBARC)
2023 GOLD REPORT - Global Strategy for Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of COPD
COPD decision support tool
NICE Guideline for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in over 16s: diagnosis and management
The National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP)
NHS England RightCare Pathway: COPD
Asthma + Lung UK - Patient COPD self management plan
Education for Health - COPD
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Chronic Cough in Adults
Burden and impact of chronic cough in UK primary care: a dataset analysis
European Respiratory Society - Nonpharmacological cough control therapy for chronic refractory cough and cough associated with underlying lung disease
NICE Guideline - Cough (acute): antimicrobial prescribing
RCP Medical Care - Driving Change video series - BTS on chronic cough in adults
COVID-19, Influenza & RSV
British Thoracic Society COVID-19: information for the respiratory community
NCHC - Post-COVID-19 breathlessness advice sheet
NHS England - Guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults in multiple languages
NHS England - Flu Immunisation e-learning programme
UK Health Security Agency - Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination programme
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis Trust - Consensus Resources
Cystic Fibrosis Trust - UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry 2022 Annual Data Report
NICE Cystic Fibrosis Quality Standard
Diagnostics & Spirometry
A Guide to Performing Quality Assured Diagnostic Spirometry
Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology (ARTP) Spirometry Guidance
Diagnosing the problem: Right test, right time - Asthma + Lung UK
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency - The use and regulation of pulse oximeters (information for healthcare professionals)
NHS England Spirometry commissioning guidance
PCRS Spirometry Resources
PCRS - the practical uses of pulse oximetry in Primary Care
Interstitial Lung Disease
NICE IPF Quality Standard
Lung Cancer & Pulmonary Nodules
All Party Parliamentary Group For Respiratory Health report: Lung Cancer After COVID
British Thoracic Society Guideline for Pulmonary Nodules and Pulmonary Nodules Risk Calculator
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) - Artificial intelligence: 10 promising interventions for healthcare
NHS England: Optimal lung cancer pathway - England
NICE Quality Standard - Lung cancer in adults
NICE Guideline - Lung cancer: diagnosis and management
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) National screening for lung cancer Position Statement
Lung Transplantation
Journal Article - Chronic lung allograft dysfunction: Definition, diagnostic criteria, and approaches to treatment consensus report
Journal Article - Consensus document for the selection of lung transplant candidates
Journal Article - Consensus document on lung transplantation in patients with CTD standardisation
NHS - Lung Transplantation
NHS Policy - Donor Lung Distribution and Allocation
NHS Policy - Lung Transplantation Candidate Criteria
European Lung Foundation - Lung Transplant Information
Occupational Lung Disease
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Occupational Asthma
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Free leaflets and information sheets on Occupational Lung Health
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Industry Respiratory Health
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Information on Silicosis
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Occupational Asthma
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Pneumoconiosis
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Information
The Health and Occupation Research (THOR) Network - SWORD Surveillance of Work-related and Occupational Respiratory Disease
UK Occupational Lung Disease services and contact details (GORDS)
Pleural Disease Resources
British Thoracic Society Guideline for Pleural Disease
British Thoracic Society Thoracic Ultrasound online training
My Pleural Effusion Journey
My Pneumothorax Journey
Pneumonia Resources
British Medical Journal - Impact of social deprivation on clinical outcomes of adults hospitalised with community-acquired pneumonia in England: a retrospective cohort study
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Community Acquired Pneumonia in people with Learning Disability
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Aspiration Pneumonia
British Thoracic Society Quality Improvement Tool - Paediatric Community Acquired Pneumonia
Commissioning for Quality and Improvement 2022/23 CQUIN
National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) Community-Acquired Pneumonia 2023 report
NICE Guideline: Community Acquired Pneumonia - antimicrobial prescribing
NICE Guideline: Hospital Acquired Pneumonia - antimicrobial prescribing
NICE Pneumonia in Adults Quality Standards
Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) - Thickened fluids and aspiration pneumonia: Position Statement and paper
Thorax Article: Readmission following hospital admission for community-acquired pneumonia in England
Pulmonary Embolism
British Thoracic Society Quality Standards for the outpatient management of Pulmonary Embolism
National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) Report - Pulmonary Embolism: Know the Score
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
American Thoracic Society (ATS) Defining Modern Pulmonary Rehabilitation Workshop Report report
Asthma + Lung UK - Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR)
Asthma + Lung UK - How exercise and physical activity affects your lungs
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation
British Thoracic Society Quality Standards for Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Adults
Centre for Exercise and Rehabilitation Science - Endurance Shuttle Walking Test (ESWT) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Centre for Exercise and Rehabilitation Science - Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
IMPRESS: Principles, definitions and standards for pulmonary rehabilitation
NHS England: Pulmonary rehabilitation commissioning standards
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services Accreditation Scheme (PRSAS)
RCP London - Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services Accreditation Scheme (PRSAS)
The Lung Information Needs Questionnaire
Rare Lung Diseases
Primary ciliary dyskinesia - European Respiratory Society guidelines for the diagnosis
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) Support UK
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) - Asthma + Lung UK
LAM Action UK
Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology
British Sleep Society
British Thoracic Society Guideline for diagnosing and monitoring paediatric sleep-disordered breathing
Fitness to Drive Guidance for Medical Professionals - Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Clinically-led Specialty Outpatient Guide
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) resources for healthcare professionals
NICE Guideline for Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and obesity hypoventilation syndrome in over 16s
Sleep Apnoea Trust
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Ocular TB
British Thoracic Society Guideline for the Management of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary disease
British Thoracic Society MDR-TB Clinical Advice Service
National Mycobacterium Reference Service (NMRS) educational videos
NICE Guideline: Tuberculosis
Investing in innovation and equitable access to end the tuberculosis epidemic report
TB Drug Monographs
Totally Drug Resistant - Tuberculosis (TDR-TB) video, Dr. Zarir Udwadia
Tuberculosis in England, 2021 report
Tuberculosis Training Webinars
Tuberculosis action plan for England, 2021 to 2026
Champions of change: stories of survivors leading the fight to end TB Report
Aligning a Pleural Service with GIRFT recommendations
An Easy Read guide to Pneumonia: Helping to combat health inequalities
A nascent network in North East and North Cumbria ICS
A new, National collaborative network for Familial Pneumothorax
A new network for respiratory Advanced Clinical Practitioners
A newly established network for rare cystic lung diseases
An introduction to clinical networks
All things spirometry and diagnostic testing in respiratory health sciences
A Physician Associate on the COVID-19 frontline
An update on BREATHE - The Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health
Asthma: understanding cultural differences
A patient-centric MDT approach to caring for people with uncontrolled and severe asthma in pregnancy
A Welsh digital revolution
Breaking down the barriers for patients needing Home Mechanical Ventilation with Alison Armstrong
Bringing integrated respiratory care to the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent
BTS adult non-invasive ventilation 2019
BTS Paediatric Pneumonia Quality Improvement Toolkit: interview with Dr Julian Legg
BTS quality standards for pulmonary embolism
BTS Training Standards for Thoracic Ultrasound
Care closer to home: A nurse-led network for ILD patients care in the North West
Case Study: Working as a Treating Tobacco Dependency Lead for Inpatients with Helene Gibson
Catching up with Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust's secondary care ILD service
Chronic breathlessness: Improving awareness, recording and identification
Community-based sleep services can improve access and reduce waiting times
Computer guided consultation software for copd reviews
CQUIN for Community Acquired Pneumonia returns for 2022/23
Development of the DECAF and PEARL clinical risk scores in COPD Virtual Wards
Diagnosing lung cancer: chest x-rays, CT scans and the role of primary care
Dr Lisa Spencer explains the BTS Quality Dashboard for Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)
Drive to Survive and Thrive: the Cystic Fibrosis Multi-Professional Team
Evolving the role of Lung Cancer Navigators within the Targeted Lung Health Check programme
Frailty and Lung disease: best practice
From the NCD for Respiratory Disease - Progress of the NHS Long Term Plan in 2020
Harefield Hospital: The road back to face-to-face Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Health Innovation Manchester a blueprint for an integrated and innovation driven health service
Helen Poole Smoking Cessation Practitioner - University Hospital Wales
High quality care needs the multi-disciplinary team: an interview with Professor Koottalai Srinivasan
How does the National Aspergillosis Centre support treatment of this rare disease across the whole UK?
How to: set up a Nodule Virtual Clinic
ImpACT (Improving Adult Respiratory Care Together)
ImpACT+: reinstating pulmonary rehabilitation services following COVID-19
Improving acute NIV care of respiratory failure patients
Interview with Professor Adam Hill: 2022 BTS Bronchiectasis Quality Standards
Improving health equity by embracing diversity
Integrated Care in Scotland: Overcoming geographical and population challenges
Interview with a Smoking Cessation Practitioner/Ymarferydd Rhoi’r Gorau I Ysmygu
Interview with Respiratory Nurse Consultant and BTS Education & Training Committee Chair Alison Armstrong
Interview with Pulmonary Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Emma Chaplin
Launch of the International Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases (INSPiRED)
Leeds Integrated Palliative COPD MDT
Leeds Virtual Lung Nodule Service
Liverpool Community Respiratory Team
LTP Tobacco Dependency Early Implementers: The South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw (SYB) Integrated Care System
LTP Tobacco Dependency Early Implementers: James Paget University Hospitals Foundation Trust
Monitoring cough strength in people with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
Motivating patients to accept referral to tobacco dependency services
Moving CF management to virtual to bridge the distance
New BTS Training Opportunities in Thoracic Ultrasound
New patient-led leaflet created to help people with COPD avoid respiratory infections and flare-ups
One nurse, many practices
PR in VR
Primary and secondary care join forces to manage COVID-19 in North West London
PRIMIS - supporting primary care with data
Protecting lung health through vaccination this winter
Pulse oximeter accuracy in different ethnic groups
Quality Improvement Programme for Inpatient Tobacco Dependency Treatment pathways
Rachael Moses: Attending the ATS International Conference Women's Forum in Washington, D.C
Recommendations to protect respiratory function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)
Respiratory teams stepping up to the COVID-19 challenge in Essex
Restarting face to face Pulmonary Rehabilitation in East Cornwall
Royal Papworth Respiratory Support and Sleep Centre
Running an ILD service: A Northern Ireland perspective
Saving time and improving outcomes with automated audit tools
Service innovations in the era of covid19 impact goes virtual
Sitting on the BTS Council: Rebecca D'Cruz on being the Under 35 Representative
Smoking cessation the CURE project from strength to strength
Specialising in Treating Tobacco Dependency - Lesley Petre
Strategic Clinical Networks the Greater Manchester case
Supporting patients to quit smoking during the pandemic
Technology: What's the latest in Interventional Bronchoscopy?
The AAC’s Consensus Pathway for Uncontrolled and Severe Asthma
The BTS Clinical Statement on air travel for passengers with respiratory disease
The BTS Clinical Statement on Occupational Asthma
The BTS Clinical Statement on Ocular TB
The BTS Clinical Statement on Respiratory Problems in Athletes
The BTS Sarcoidosis Clinical Statement
The BTS Smoking Cessation Audit 2019 In conversation with Dr Zaheer Mangera
The challenges of implementing Targeted Lung Health Checks (TLHC) in Newcastle and Gateshead in relation to incidental findings
The evolution of remote monitoring in CPAP and NIV
The INSPIRE Collaborative
The integrated care journey in Dorset - Part 1
The integrated care journey in Dorset - Part 2
The integrated care journey in Dorset - Part 3
The London Respiratory Clinical Networks and COVID
The Morecambe Bay respiratory network
The Newcastle Lung Cancer Outpatient Occupational Therapy Service
The NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC)
The North-East Assisted Ventilation Service new patient admission alert system
The NTM (Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria) Network UK
The Perioperative Sleep Apnoea Pathway - supporting patients during and post-surgery
The Spaces protocol
The TB Find & Treat programme in Luton
The trials and tribulations of establishing a domiciliary NIV service
The use of AI in biomarkers, CT omics and pathology interpretation
Tobacco Dependency Project Case Study - Nicki Watkins
Transitioning asthma care: a multi-disciplinary, cross specialty team approach
Understanding the new National Pleural MDT
Using cognitive behavioural therapy to support COPD patients
Using the Model Health System to drive change.
Using simulation to increase respiratory training opportunities and improve patient safety
Withdrawal of Respiratory Support for conscious patients at the end of life
World COPD Day 2022 - Pulmonary rehabilitation: Changing lives for those living with a respiratory disease
World No Tobacco Day 2023: Treating tobacco dependence must remain a priority
What is the 2023 #AskAboutAsthma Campaign?
Who are our respiratory speech and language therapists and what is non-pharmacological cough suppression therapy?
Working in Smoking Cessation - Brighton and Hove City Council and BSUH NHS Trust
Working together to deliver high-quality Critical Care and Respiratory Failure Home Ventilation (RFMV) services
What is the National Outpatient Sleep Pathway?
"You can observe a lot by watching" - The value of a Registry for Cystic Fibrosis in the UK
What is involved in a hypoglossal nerve stimulation service?
Person centred care- the grail of the NHS?
Addressing Aspiration Pneumonia in Care Homes
Improving care through Pleural Ambulatory Units and Simulation Training in South Wales
Increasing engagement with Pulmonary Rehabilitation, particularly for those facing inequities
Supporting clinicians to deliver personalised and environmentally friendly asthma reviews
Supporting respiratory research in COPD to guide clinical practice
Home mechanical ventilation is #AddingLifeToYears
Reducing use of Metered-Dose Inhalers to become net zero by 2045
Using AI in respiratory medicine and what it could mean for fibrotic ILD
BTS MDR-TB Clinical Advice Service: The National Mycobacterial Reference Service recent note highlighting an issue with the media testing for phenotypic susceptibility to pyrazinamide
Understanding the commonly used medicines in bronchiectasis
The importance of vaccinating against the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in England
Air Travel and Respiratory Illness.
Nutrition and Chronic Lung Disease
Document Library
Workforce & Careers Case Studies
Abigail Watkin Workforce Physician Associate Case Study
Claire Slinger Workforce SLT case study
Gary Spencer Workforce PR Case Study
Geraldine Baluyut Workforce PR Case Study
Haval Balata Advancing your Career case study
Helen Morris ILD nurse business case
James Bonnington Advancing your Career case study
Kathryn Thomas Workforce ACP Case Study
Kirsty Laing Workforce ACP Case Study
Padma Parthasarathy Workforce ACP Case Study
Rebecca Chamoto Workforce ACP Case Study
Rebecca Kurylec Workforce ACP Case Study
Renni Johnson Workforce Physician Associate Case Study
Sabi Hippolyte Advancing your Career case study
Selina Tsim Advancing your Career case study
Sophia Crasto Workforce Physicians Associate Case Study
Tobacco dependency project
Project resources
Service delivery
Job descriptions
CURE - Assistant Project Manager
Northern Care Alliance - Band 2 Smoking Cessation Advisor
Northern Care Alliance - Band 3 Smoking Cessation Advisor/Administrator
Northern Care Alliance - Band 5 Smoking Cessation Nurse
UHSM - Band 6 Specialist Nurse JD
UHSM - Band 6 Specialist Nurse Competencies
CURE - Project Manager
UHSM - Band 7 Senior Specialist Nurse/Midwife
Smoke free policy template
Organizational structure example
Steering group brief ToR (cure)
IT requirements for Programme Implementation (cure)
Protocols and pathways
Business case template (cure)
Cost benefit analysis (cure)
Initial Assessment and Treatment Proforma & Protocol (cure)
Specialist Assessment and Treatment Plan (cure)
pathway flow chart - inpatients
Cost benefit analysis executive summary (cure)
NHS LTP Treating Tobacco Dependence Programme - Governance and Leadership
NHSE inpatient tobacco pathway
Training and education
Service specification (cure)
Prompt Card - prescribing pathway (cure)
Induction leaflet (cure)
Prompt Card - Prescribing (cure)
CURE poster
CURE pop up banner
CURE training manual
QUIT - lessons learnt
NHSE LTP EIS (tobacco addiction) workshop for clinical and nurse leads
Tobacco dependency roadmap webinar 1 - slide deck
Tobacco dependency roadmap webinar 2 - slide deck
Tobacco dependency roadmap webinar 3 - slide deck
Tobacco dependency roadmap webinar 4 - slide deck
Tobacco Dependency Project webinar S2E1 - Slide Set
Tobacco Dependency Project webinar S2E2 - Slide Set
Tobacco Dependency Project webinar S2E3 - Slide Set
Tobacco Dependency Project webinar S2E4 - Slide Set
NHSE Tobacco Dependency Programme Patient Level Data Collection webinar slides
Useful resources: NHSE data collection webinar slides
Service Development
Tobacco dependence treatment services: Lessons learnt from Early Implementer Sites
Tobacco Treatment Services: Gaining additional funding case study
Features & News Item Document Attachments
Stephen Bourke Feature October 2022 - Article
Hosted External Resources
IMPRESS Principles of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Feb 2008
Physiotherapy Advice for Managing Breathlessness and Fatigue post Covid-19
Endurance Shuttle Walking Test (ESWT) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
What's new
BTS launches its new Position Statement on Sustainability and the Environment: Climate Change and Lung Health
Taskforce for Lung Health - two years on progress report
BTS publishes guidance for the implementation of Respiratory Support Units
Update from the NCD for Respiratory Disease - Respiratory Clinical Networks and Support Units
National Patient Safety Alert: Philips ventilator, CPAP and BiPAP devices
Lung health care backlog reaches 100,000 hospital appointments according to the Taskforce
National Patient Safety Alert: Philips ventilator, CPAP and BiPAP devices - Risk Stratification Guidance available
BTS Webinar Series - Supporting services treating tobacco dependence
Asthma + Lung UK launch
BTS publishes new Clinical Statement on air travel
BTS releases preliminary results of tobacco dependency services audit
Taskforce for Lung Health calls for rapid access to CT scans for patients with suspected lung disease
BTS publishes Clinical Statement on Ocular TB
New Clinical Statement on Respiratory Problems in Athletic Individuals
CQUIN for Community Acquired Pneumonia 2022/23
BTS launches new Tobacco Dependency Treatment webinar series
BTS publishes new report into the future of the respiratory workforce
BTS and NIHR announce new Clinical Research Awards
BTS Audit of hospital-based Tobacco Dependency services
BTS publishes new Position Statement on Air Quality and Lung Health
BTS publishes new survey highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on TB services
BTS publishes its National Pleural Services Organisational Audit Report 2021
Respiratory Futures and The British Thoracic Society have partnered with ITN Business to produce ‘Lungs Matter’
BTS publishes Quality Standards for Clinically Significant Bronchiectasis in Adults
BTS publishes its second COVID-19 Organisational Survey Report
Fundamental to life - Respiratory Futures and ITN Business explore why ‘Lungs Matter’
New inhaler technique QR Code poster
Join the Lung Research and Innovation Group to play your part in bringing respiratory research and innovation together
National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP) Drawing Breath - clinical audit report 2021/22
Pulse oximeter accuracy in different ethnic groups
NHS England publishes an Adult Breathlessness Pathway (pre-diagnosis) Support Tool
Celebrating the first World HMV (Home Mechanical Ventilation) Day
New BTS Learning Opportunities in Thoracic Ultrasound
ITN and Respiratory Futures announce production of 'Breathing Better Together' film
BTS Chair Dr Paul Walker contributes to Mediaplanet's Respiratory Health campaign for 2023
New Thorax podcast on the recently published BTS Pleural Guidance
#AskAboutAsthma Campaign for 2023
Stoptober Campaign 2023
ITN Business announces news-style programme in collaboration with Respiratory Futures
Have your say: NHS England survey on Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) usage and costs
New Article: Cystic fibrosis patient to row the Atlantic Ocean
New British Thoracic Society webinars are now available for free registration
BTS and PCRS collaborate to publish a Position Statement on Integrated Care
BTS marks 40 years of No Smoking Day
BTS welcomes the ban on the sale of disposable vapes in Scotland, Wales and England
BTS/NICE/SIGN Asthma Guidelines launched
Key findings from the Interstitial Lung Disease Registry published in BMJ Open Respiratory Research Journal
New Optimal Sleep Pathway Published to Improve Sleep Medicine Services
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