General Resources - Data & Digital

The sharing of content does not indicate endorsement from Respiratory Futures or BTS. If you have a resource that you think would be useful to share here, please let us know by emailing

BTS audit data portal

BTS publishes regular national audit reports which are publicly accessible. This portal covers Asthma, Bronchectasis, Pneumonia, Pulmonary...

BTS Lung Disease Registries

BTS Lung Disease Registries provide a means of national data collection encompassing three disease areas; IPF, sarcoidosis and MDR-TB.  Visit the...

Department of Health & Social Care - SHAPE

SHAPE links national data sets clinical analysis, public health, primary care and demographic data with information on healthcare estates performance...

Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership - The National Clinical Audit Programme

A list of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) ran by Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) Visit the...

Health Data Research UK

National institute for health data science. They publish a large number of open access articles based on health data from the UK . Good...

Health Data Research UK - DATA-CAN - Our Hub for Cancer

DATA-CAN is a UK-wide partnership that aims to unlock the power of health data to improve cancer care. Visit the website

Inhale - INteractive Health Atlas of Lung conditions in England

Online tool showing data from a range of sources about respiratory diseases including COPD and asthma. Visit the website

International Respiratory Coalition - Lung Facts

An online resource giving the latest epidemiological and economic data on a range of lung conditions. It is informed by the Global Burden of...

Medical Research Council - Health Data Access Toolkit

Helps researchers determine the approvals they are likely to need to access specific patient data. Visit the toolkit

National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP)

The National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP) for England, Scotland and Wales aims to improve the quality of care, services and clinical outcomes...

National Quality Improvement (incl. Clinical Audit) Network (N-QI-CAN)

N-QI-CAN is a professional network of colleagues undertaking clinical audit and other improvement work across England and was founded in 2000 (under...

NHS Digital Data and information page

The general starting point when looking for NHS data. Large collection of resources including publications, GP data hub, mental health hub, datasets...

NHS (England only) Open Data

Datasets, surveys results and a geographical atlas. Datasets cover topics from choice of breakfast to safe staffing and patients assessed for blood...

NHS England statistics page

Another starting point for those looking for NHS' own statistics. Visit the website

NHS list of Clinical Audits and Registries

A list of the audits and registries run by the NHS. Visit the website

NHS Digital Playbook

A collection of case studies where digital solutions were effectively used in healthcare settings, including Respiratory. The digital playbooks...

NHS National Clinical Content Repository Tools and Measures Library

A list of copyrighted clinical assessment tools and outcome measures for use within health and social care, provided by the NHS. Visit the resource...

The Office for National Statistics - Health and Social Care

Runs a section on health and social care data - Life expectancy, health inequalities, disability and addiction as well as access to and expenditure on...

OrphaNet registry search

European search engine for rare diseases genes and registries Visit the website

Our World in Data

A project of data collection and analysis, which includes living conditions, wellbeing, human rights, poverty. It’s run by the University of Oxford,...

Royal College of Physicians National Lung Cancer audit

The National Lung Cancer Audit (NLCA) is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) and works with a number of specialists...

The King's Fund - Supporting digital inclusion in health care

Speaking to people with lived experience and service providers, the experience of using digital services and what might help improve digital inclusion...

UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry

The UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry is a secure centralised database, sponsored and managed by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. It records health data on...