Sustainability & Environment Resources

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Action for Clean Air - Clean Air Day Resources

Page with a very large number of resources from guides to apps, including The Birkett Index App and the City Air App which allows to...

Air quality in Wales maps

The Welsh Government has a dedicated page on current and forecast levels of air pollution in the devolved nation, at and...

Asthma + Lung UK - air pollution resources

The Asthma + Lung UK website has a section of their website dedicated to air pollution Access the air pollution resources here Asthma + Lung UK also...

Breathe London project

The Breathe London project monitors air quality in London in real-time through fixed sensors and using Google (TM) streetcars and maintains a map. It...

BTS Position Statement on Sustainability and the Environment: Climate Change and Lung Health

This Position Statement sets out the British Thoracic Society’s stance on how the impact of climate change and the carbon footprint of respiratory...

DEFRA's air quality index and air pollution resources

The Department For Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) compiles a daily UK Air Quality Index and publishes regular forecasts. Here are Defra’s Daily...

European Respiratory Society - Climate change and respiratory health: position statement

This statement is intended to be a reference resource on the impact of climate change on respiratory health and a call for action against this threat...

European Union toolkit for communicating on air quality and health

Practices, challenges and tips for communicating on air quality and health for healthcare professionals and public health practitioners. Access the...

Global Action Plan Clean Air Hub

The Clean Air Hub is brought to you by Global Action Plan, the charity behind Clean Air Day, the UK's largest clean air campaign.  Resources include...

Greener Practice UK - High Quality and Low Carbon Asthma Care toolkit

A quality improvement toolkit for primary care. Greener Practice can help with education and implementation support for practices, PCNs, ICS or...

Healthcare Ocean

Healthcare Ocean is a group of healthcare professionals who aim to help conserve and protect coastal and marine ecosystems by minimising harm...

Healthy Air Coalition

The Healthy Air Coalition is a collective of leading health, environment and transport organisations with the shared vision of a UK free from toxic...

Indoor Air Quality Working Party

Webpage of a group of leading clean air health and built environment researchers focusing on indoor air pollution.  Includes numerous resources...

London Assembly's health and air pollution resource page

The London Assembly has a page with guidance for health professionals and patients on how to cope with high pollution, with data for each...

NHS - Greener NHS

Hosts numerous resources on reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare. Visit the website

NICE - Air pollution resources

NICE published their air pollution guidelines in 2017, "Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health", which can be found here. A section, in...

NICE Guideline - Indoor air quality at home

Covers indoor air quality in residential buildings. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of good air quality in people's homes and how to...

NICE - Patient decision aid: inhalers for asthma

A tool to help clinicians when discussing a change of inhaler device Read the Patient Decision aid  

NICE Quality Statements - Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health

Published in 2019, particularly important for healthcare professional is Statement 4. Access the Quality Statements  

NICE Quality Standard on indoor air quality and health

This Quality standard is in development. Read more information on the NICE website

NICE Guidelines - Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health (2017)

A section, in particular, covers the advice that should be given to the public (section 1.7 Awareness raising). Read the NICE Guideline

Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Greener Healthcare Quality Improvement Toolkit

The PCRS Greener Respiratory Healthcare Quality Improvement (QI) toolkit has been developed to support HCPs working in the primary care setting to...

Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) Position Statement on Environmental Issues

PCRS support initiatives to improve air quality and minimise short- and long-term damage to the environment, particularly those with an impact on...

Public Health Wales - Air pollution resources

Public Health Wales published a report on air pollution and health inequalities in 2018, "Working together to reduce outdoor air pollution, risks and...

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health report: The inside story: Health effects of indoor air quality on children and young people

A RCPCH systematic review of the effects of indoor pollution on children’s health, with recommendations for action (2020) Read the review here

The 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change

2019 report of the Lancet Countdown, an international collaboration dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and...

The Clean Breathing Institute - resources

Collects evidence on air pollution and health. The Institute also has a section with advice for health professionals. Find more information on...

The UN Montreal Protocol

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is a global agreement to protect the Earth’s ozone layer by phasing out the chemicals...

UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC)

UKHACC is an alliance of health organisations representing 1 million health professionals across the UK. UKHACC coordinates action to respond to...

UK Health Security Agency - Air pollution: a tool to estimate healthcare costs

The UKHSA offers lots of useful resources on Air pollution. Read their summary on why air pollution matters to health  Read about their tool to...

WHO - Toolkit for health professionals on communicating about climate change and health

The toolkit provides comprehensive resources to help health professionals understand the health impacts of climate change, as well as health...