Health Inequalities Resources

The sharing of content does not indicate endorsement from Respiratory Futures or BTS.

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) - Smoking and Health Inequalities

Resources on the links between smoking and health inequalities. Read more on the ASH website  

Breathing Unequal - Asthma + Lung UK

Published in July 2023, this Asthma + Lung UK report found that people with lung conditions living in poverty are twice as likely to be admitted to...

BTS Position Statement on Health Inequalities and Respiratory 2023

The purpose of this position statement is to outline the BTS' stance on how the impact of health inequalities can be assessed and reduced. This...

English Indices of Deprivation

The English Indices of Deprivation, published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, they are used to  measure...

FUSE – the centre for translational research in public health

This research programme focuses on understanding and tackling health inequalities - the differences in health which persist across society. The...

Health Foundation - Health Inequalities

Publications and reports on health inequalities and inequalities in healthcare. Access the resources on the Health Foundation website.

Inequalities in Health Alliance

The Inequalities in Health Alliance, is convened by the Royal College of Physicians and is a coalition of organisations who have come together to...

Institute of Health Equity

Led by Sir Michael Marmot. Reports and resources on Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health, including Sir Michael’s seminal report into...

Kings College London - Learning from Lives and Deaths: people with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)

LeDeR summarises the lives and deaths of people with a learning disability and autistic people who died in England in annual reports. LeDeR aims...

NHS England - Actionable Insights Tool

As a partner tool to the Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Dashboard, this new tool uses statistical techniques to present data in clear sentences...

NHS England Core20PLUS5 – an approach to reducing healthcare inequalities

Core20PLUS5 is an NHS England approach to inform action to reduce healthcare inequalities at both a national and system level. The approach defines a...

NICE health inequalities publications

NICE evidence, systematic reviews and policies on health inequalities, including: factors that determine health and wellbeing mapping NICE guidance...

Northern Ireland Department of Health - Health inequalities statistics

Health inequalities in Northern Ireland (NI) are examined through the NI health and social care inequalities monitoring system (HSCIMS) and...

International - OECD - Health Inequalities

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) monitors to what extent policy objectives to reduce health inequalities are...

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities - Atlas of Variation

The Atlases of Variation help assess the value that healthcare provides to both populations and individuals. This is produced in collaboration with...

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities/Health Protection Agency - Inequality Tools

PHE inequality tools, includes the Segment tool and The Health Inequalities Dashboard which provides information to monitor progress on reducing...

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities - Local Authority Health Profiles

Office for Health and Disparities health profiles of Local Authorities in England. Shows differences demographic and socioeconomic characteristics,...

Office for National Statistics - Health Inequality Statistics

All data related to health inequalities (mortality, disability and more correlated with index of deprivation, life expectancy etc) Read the Health...

Scottish Public Health Observatory - Health inequalities: introduction

Data on health inequalities specific to Scotland including data sources. Read about health inequalities and public health in Scotland  

Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) - Position Statement on Respiratory Health Inequalities - Poverty

This document outlines the stance of PCRS on respiratory health inequalities, and what should be done to reduce their negative impact. Access the...

Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) - Poverty, Poor Housing and Respiratory (video)

This 20 minute video provides you not only with the evidence but includes tips on what you can do to support patients experiencing these issues and...

Public Health Scotland - What are health inequalities?

Resources on Health inequalities in Scotland including causes of health inequalities and how they are measured Read more about health inequalities in...

Public Health Wales - Health Inequalities in Wales

Data on health inequalities and inequities. Access the Welsh Health Equity Solutions Platform

Public Health Wales: Cost of health inequalities to the NHS in Wales

This first report focuses on estimating the cost of inequality associated with hospital service utilisation only;further reports will expand...

The King's Fund - What are health inequalities?

An introduction to health inequalities.   Read about the different aspects of health inequalities  

The King's Fund - Report: My role in tackling health inequalities: a framework for allied health professionals.

A framework designed to support AHPs to do whatever they can to tackle health inequalities. Read the King's Fund report.  

World Health Organisation Health Inequality Monitor

Explore health inequality monitoring evidence, tools, resources and training. Access the WHO health inequality monitor

A Guide to bridging the gap in health inequalities

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published a guidance document for physicians focused on building understanding of health inequalities and...