Welsh Quality Statement for respiratory disease
The Welsh government's Respiratory Health Delivery Plan 2018-2020 was published in November 2018. This comprehensive plan for respiratory care in Wales aimed to "reducing inappropriate variation and sharing best practice".
Quality Statement for Respiratory Disease
The Welsh government's released a Quality Statement for Respiratory Disease at the end of 2022. The Quality Statement describes what good quality services for respiratory conditions should look like.
It focuses on the proper diagnosis, management, and treatment of respiratory disease in both adults and children and young people. It is complemented by other national strategy and policy related to the prevention and suppression of communicable diseases; as well as national plans for tobacco and obesity, the quality statement for cancer, and the UK-wide approach to rare disease, such as cystic fibrosis. Services design should ensure equity of access, including targeted approaches for hard to engage patient groups or groups that typically experience poorer respiratory outcomes.
The Quality Statement is available to read via the link to the Welsh Government's website below.