Useful Links
Here you can find links to a number of organisations whose work and resources you might find useful if you have an interest in tobacco dependence.
ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)
BPRS (British Paediatric Respiratory Society)
NCSCT (National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training)
NICE Guideline - Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence
NICE Quality Standard - Treating Tobacco Dependence
Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) - Local Tobacco Control Profiles
PCRS (Primary Care Respiratory Society)
RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
RCP (Royal College of Physicians)
RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health)
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw QUIT (SYB QUIT)