Past events

Recordings and resources from previously run seminars, conference sessions and webinars will be hosted on this page. Please select your event or series from the accordion below to find out more.

Webinar recordings

This was the first BTS series of webinars in support of healthcare professionals in setting-up tobacco dependence treatment services in their trusts. 

The series was based on the seven steps of the tobacco dependency roadmap, which has been developed to help navigate the processes involved in delivering a successful tobacco dependency treatment service. Each webinar provided practical tips on successfully completing each step. Recordings and slide sets are available below.


Session 1 - Identify the Funds and Partners 

This session took place Thursday 24 February, 1-1.45pm, chaired by Professor Sanjay Agrawal, National Specialty Adviser for Tobacco Addiction. 

This session helped guide clinicians through the process from the very beginning, identifying the key partners to link in with and advice on how to get the Respiratory voice to be heard in the correct arenas. 


Dr Charles Sharp, Consultant Respiratory Physician.

Joanna Feeney, Regional Tobacco Control Lead for OHID (Office of Health Improvements & Disparities).

A recording of this webinar is available here

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.


Session 2 - Plan the Programme/Education & Training 

This session took place on Thursday 3 March – 1-1.45pm , chaired by Dr Helen Ward, West Midlands Respiratory Clinical Director 

This session provided a walkthrough guide through the planning process from a project manager perspective and a training initiation overview to highlight the importance of educating staff to support the programme. 


Arran Woodhouse, Lead Tobacco Dependence Specialist, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Melanie Perry, Project Manager BTS Tobacco Dependency Project.

Jo Coleman, Quality Improvement Lead, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.

A recording of this webinar is available here.

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.


Session 3 - Deliver the Programme 

This session took place on Monday 21 March – 1-1.45pmm, chaired by Dr Matt Evison, Consultant Chest Physician at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Lead for the CURE project and BTS Tobacco Dependency SAG member.

This entire session focused on the launch and delivery of a successful programme within an acute trust, drawing on the experiences of experts that have been involved in the Early Implementer Sites .


Professor Sanjay Agrawal, Early Implementer Site Clinical Lead, University Hospitals of Leicester, and National Specialty Adviser for Tobacco Addiction.

Charlotte Winders, Public Health Midwife, Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

A recording of this webinar is available here.

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.


Session 4 - Be a Visible Champion/Make the Project Sustainable  

This session took place on Thursday 31 March – 1-1.45pm, chaired by Dr Zaheer Mangera, Chair of BTS Tobacco Dependency SAG.

In this session, the speakers shared their experience as  successful hearts and mind champions and advocates for tobacco dependency treatment, and discussed how to ensure the programme is embedded within acute trusts for the long term. 


Dr Ruth Sharrock, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Clinical Lead for the Northeast and North Cumbria ICS for Tobacco.  

Vandana Khurana, Project Manager, Prevention Programme, James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 

A recording of this webinar is available here. 

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.

BTS second webinar series to support healthcare professionals in setting-up tobacco dependence treatment services in their trusts. 

This series addresses the most frequent questions that arose in the first series. It focuses on the areas of the process where teams have faced the most issues when developing a tobacco dependence treatment service and addresses the most common "How do I..." concerns with practical tips.


Session 1 - How do I quickly identify patients that smoke? 

Thursday 19th May – 1.00-1.45pm  

Early identification of patients with a tobacco dependence is vital and an IT system that captures and enables treatment to begin as soon as possible is key to successfully supporting all patients. This session showcased how to create a gold standard IT service and demonstrate how to use live data effectively to identify patients who smoke as soon as they are admitted 

Chaired by Joanna Feeney – OHID Regional Tobacco Control Lead  


Heidi Croucher - Dorset ICS Treating Tobacco Dependency Programme Manager 

Michaela Osborne - IT Project Support Officer

Lisa Irving - Public Health Strategy & Programme Manager
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

A recording of this webinar is available here.

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.


Session 2 - How do I encourage uptake of treatment options to inpatients? 

The management of a patient with a tobacco dependence requires prompt delivery of effective evidence-based treatment. This session will provide a brief overview of the current NICE guidance recommended treatment options alongside innovative ways in which to speed up access and improve the uptake from patients 

Thursday 26th May – 1.00-1.45pm  

Chaired by Dr Louise Restrick - Integrated Care Consultant Respiratory Physician, Whittington Health


Stephanie Duckworth Porras & Arran Woodhouse  - Tobacco Dependence Specialists, Kings' College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Ruth Armstrong - Smoking Cessation Lead, Brio Leisure, Chester

A recording of this webinar is available here.

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.


Session 3 - How do I ensure my patients have continuing support post discharge? 

The treatment of a tobacco dependence needs to continue beyond the hospital stay and relies on a robust referral and discharge plan to achieve this. This session will highlight how to arrange a seamless transfer to ensure patients leave hospital with a clear plan to receive the best available support post discharge 

Tuesday 7th June – 1.00-1.45pm

Chaired by Dr Zaheer Mangera - Chair BTS TDP Steering Group/Tobacco Dependence Specialist Advisory Group 


Niamh Keating – Tackling Tobacco Dependency Project Manager, North Middlesex University Hospitals NHS Trust 

Rob Hebden - Senior Medicines Optimisation Lead, NHS Midlands & Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit 

A recording of this webinar is available here.

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.


Session 4 - How do I collect data to evaluate whether my service is delivering the right thing? 

The recording of data received from the tobacco dependence treatment service is required with monthly reporting to NHS England. This will demonstrate a return on investment and help to ensure continuation of the tobacco dependence treatment programme. This session will help attendees to understand the rationale behind capturing this information, how best to learn from it and how to ensure that the correct data is being captured. 

Tuesday 14th June – 1.00-1.45pm  

Chaired by Professor Keir Lewis - Respiratory Physician, Prince Philip Hospital, Wales


Paul Cilia La Corte - Senior Programme Manager, Prevention, NHSE

A recording of this webinar is available here.

Speakers have given permission for their slides to be uploaded to Respiratory Futures for educational purposes. No changes can be made to the content and full attribution must be given to the relevant author. You can download them here.

NHSE Tobacco Dependency Programme Patient Level Data Collection webinar

This webinar took place on  Wednesday, 11 October 2023                    

Chair: Prof Sanjay Agrawal, National Specialty Advisor Tobacco Dependence 

Speakers –  

- Tom Frost - Senior Analytical Manager, NHS England 

- Jack Hodgson – Analyst (Prevention), NHS England 

- Paul Cilia-La-Corte - Senior Programme Manager (Prevention), NHS England 

Data collection is one of the most important steps to delivering and maintaining a successful tobacco dependency service. This session focussed on the NHSE monthly patient-level data collection.                       

Part 1 - How to collect the right information - looked at the data practitioners need to capture and featured a walk-through of the process.    

Part 2 - How to make the data work for you - provided a demonstration of the NHSE tobacco dependence data dashboard and how to make the data work for you, ensuring you get the most out of the information you have. 

Watch the full recording of the webinar session below


Watch a demo of the data dashboard below


Download the webinar slides

Download the webinar 'useful resources' slides

Read our Tobacco Dependency Frequently Asked Questions

See our suite of Tobacco Dependency Project resources