Integrated Care Resources

The sharing of content does not indicate endorsement from Respiratory Futures or BTS.

The effectiveness of a primary care respiratory diagnostic hub in inner city cosmopolitan population

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an in-community standardised respiratory diagnostic hub (RDH) in primary care in...

Better Care Fund (BCF) Programme

The Better Care Fund (BCF) programme supports local systems to successfully deliver the integration of health and social care in a way that supports...

Joint Position Statement on Integrated Care 2024

This Position Statement, jointly published by BTS and PCRS, outlines goals and highlights practical steps as to what the delivery of high-quality,...

Integrated Care in Northern Ireland

This resource contains videos, a governance structure and seminar presentations available which cover what integrated care is, the difference it will...

Designing integrated care systems (ICSs) in England

This NHS England guide sets out the different levels of management that make up an integrated care system, describing their core functions, the...

Integrated Care

This page on the NHS England website looks at what integrated care systems are, the journey to introducing integrated care systems, as well as key...

Integration of care

This website has a range of resources by the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) - PCRS on Integration of care including tools, webinar...

Integrated care research and practice

This resource from the Social Care Institute for Excellence aims to support the planning, commissioning and delivery of coordinated person-centred...

The effects of integrated care: a systematic review of UK and international evidence

Published by the British Medical Council (BMC), this study aimed to carry out a systematic review of the effects of integration or co-ordination...

Integrated Care - the Health Foundation

This website contains a range of links, resources and case studies by the Health Foundation on integrated care. Visit the website here.

Integrated Care - the Kings Fund

This website hosts the work by the King's Fund on integrated care. Visit the website here.